Monday, February 22, 2016

Potato Vegetable Soup

Most potato soups have cheese in them which can add an easy extra 400 calories per serving. By eliminating the cheese in the super healthy recipe - you will be getting many nutrients and save loads of unwanted calories and fat.

Potato Vegetable Soup
14 oz. Veg broth
4 white Idaho potatoes
4 celery stalks
10 oz. can of corn
3 carrots
1 cup of cooked peas

¼ tsp. onion
¼ tsp. salt

¼ tsp. pepper

1. cut the potatoes and celery into chunks and simmer them in broth for 20 minutes
2. puree it
3. diced the carrots and then microwave them for 3 minutes with 3 tbsp. of water in the bowl
4. add the cooked peas, carrots and corn to the soup
5. then add in the spices

Reheat and Serve!!