Monday, December 29, 2014

Hot Dog Spring Salad

So normally I wouldn't make anything with hot dogs. They're not that healthy and are high in sodium and not super high in protein. But my grandfather that used to live with us loves them. He moved out and we still had some leftover. I don't like food sitting in the freezer, we couldn't return it and we weren't going to waste it and throw it out so I needed to create a recipe that was healthy...and I did!

I made this tonight and my parents loved it! I didn't eat it because I don't do red meat, but if you eat red meat I am sure   positive you'll LOVE it!

Hot Dog Spring Salad 
Bag of Romaine Lettuce
2 slices of Red Onion
1/2 small tomatoes chopped
6 oz. of mandarin oranges (not in syrup)
handful of onion and garlic croutons
5 hot dogs
Honey Mustard light dressing

1. lay the lettuce on plate
2. add the chopped tomatoes and onions
3. lay the mandarin oranges equally over the salad
4. boil the hot dogs for 7 minutes and then cut it into 1-2 inch chunks
5. add croutons and hot dogs equally
6. add the dressing and serve!

This is a perfect dinner - it's filling, has lots of veggies, low in fat and has some protein. A healthy way to eat a hot dog. 

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